Check In / Policies

  • You are required to check-in weekly with our office by telephone Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 8A-5P.

  • Voicemails left will not be counted as your weekly check-in.

  • If you are arrested for any offense other than a misdemeanor traffic violation you MUST contact this office immediately.

  • You MUST notify us promptly of any changes of address or phone number.

  • If you leave the county for more than three days at a time, for any reason, we must have a way of contacting you. You must furnish us with a WORKING phone number and address where you can be reached.

  • You must notify our office IMMEDIATELY after every court date and advise us of your status with the court. If you fail to do this, we will assume that you did not go to court and you are subject to have a warrant issued for your arrest. If your attorney rests your case, you must advise this office IMMEDIATELY.

  • When your case is resolved YOU must furnish our office with documentation of the final disposition of your case.

**Violations of these rules can cause us as Sureties to remove ourselves of liability for your bond and you can be placed back in County Jail from which your release was obtained**